Last week, we visited the mock-up of the future residential tower ‘Flow’, which is now being built on the former Campina site ‘De Caai’ in Eindhoven. We used this mock-up to assess the aesthetic and functional principles of the facade.
Tower 5, designed on behalf of BPD Gebiedsontwikkeling, is an all-sided designed tower about 75 metres high, with a light, vibrant natural stone façade. In colour and form, the tower refers to the historical use of the area as a dairy factory. The modern city that will soon rise here will become a ‘living lab’ where innovation and design in the field of nutrition and well-being is stimulated, as was the case in the area’s former function. Within the urban plan, Mei designs the highest residential tower with 160 homes, which will provide the area with an unmistakable identity, referring to the determining history of the place.