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Successful Included book launch

We look back on a superb and highly successful Included book launch last night at the Nieuwe Instituut, where we talked about soft values, permaculture, economics, radicalisation of education, self-reflection, super-diversity, money, taking responsibility and so much more. It was a true party!

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A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the book and to all who attended last night. In particular:
Francien Van Westrenen, Najah Aouaki, Mike Emmerik, Marcel Musch, Robert Winkel and Nanne De Ru for your inspiring perspectives and open dialogues. Sanne van den Breemer for her stage debut, Geert Maarse for brilliant moderation, Saskia van Stein for thinking along, Joost Degenkamp – NAi Booksellers for the beautiful display of our book and Nieuwe Instituut for hosting and hospitality.

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