Mei & BIM
At Mei, we are fascinated by real-time integrated design processes using BIM. With many large-scale BIM projects in our portfolio, this tool has been fully incorporated into Mei’s working method in recent years. Through BIM, we bring together the different aspects of a design in an integrated way, at all possible scale levels. In this way, we keep a grip on the complexity of today’s building projects and establish a strong design strategy with which the project can be optimally developed.

Collaboration is deeply rooted in Mei’s DNA. Working with BIM, via a Revit server, allows us to work in parallel with the parties involved. This allows us to share information with our clients and consultants continuously and with the utmost accuracy. During the project, all parties can see the live status of all design decisions and respond accordingly. BIM also ensures that we can test the final product in advance and thus anticipate potential problems, so that the transition from design to implementation goes smoothly and the project can be realised efficiently and thoroughly.