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Finale Kom BIJ Mei competition

Three design teams competed against each other during the final round of the Kom BIJ Mei competition, which took place on the RDM site. The designs (the BAKKIE, the art object and the BIRDBOX) were further elaborated and the prototypes were presented. After much deliberation, the jury chose Joost Wetzel’s BIRDBOX as the winner of the competition:

“What makes Joost’s concept so strong is that it makes good use of the residual material that comes from SAWA. This allows us to keep SAWAs waste to a minimum and give it a second life. The design is ideal as a gift, and the idea of ​​using the BIRDBOX as a QR construction site board was very clever. We can’t wait to develop this product.”

The competition was organized by Mei and Nice Developers, in a search for a new, innovative and high-design product that stimulates biodiversity in the city in a broad sense. The winner receives, in addition to eternal fame, a nice cash prize of no less than 1500 euros. The design is put into production and used to promote SAWA.

Congratulations Joost! Many thanks to the other finalists; Geert Kruseman, Martin van Overveld, Romy Raanhuis and Sophie de Ridder. Support for the prototypes came from Puur van Anne, IEP Houtwerk, Van Assem Interieurbouw and Derix.

Watch the video of the first pitch round here.

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